Thursday, November 27, 2008

Head -Over Heals

In the last month, I have experienced on THREE SEPARATE occasions the kind of "brotherly" affection that brings me back to fifth grade(or so).
I've been left, shaking my head in confusion three different times in ONE month.

My older brother used to give me what I can only label as a "headlock/noogy", painful and embarrassing. I wasn't sure if this was the exact term, so I went to a reliable source. The trusty word-bank, known as : reliable, second only to Wikipedia*).

Turns out that "noogy" IS the correct term, and here's the definition:

"To grab someone around the neck with your arm, pull their head against your body (thus subduing them), make your other hand into a fist, and grate your knuckles painfully against their scalp. If you're sneaky enough, grabbing them around the neck may not be necessary.

A favorite tactic among bullies and older siblings."

Yep, totally accurate.


Occasion #1:
Culprit: John Krutsinger

We were at the election party, and I got up to say goodbye. He flips me around and puts me in a head-lock, and gives me a noogy. "Seriously?" I think, I'm a girl. YOU DON'T give girls noogies, unless they're your sister.

Occasion #2:
Culprit: Adam Sabolick

Going on-stage, right before worship on Sunday Morning. I compliment him on his orange, puffy vest and say "Adam, I haven't seen you in so long" and precede to give him a hug. Then it happened AGAIN. He grabs my neck and gives me a noogy. Messing up my hair, and causing me stumble awkwardly onto the stage. Fixing my hair as I go.

Occasion #3:
Culprit: Frank Sanchez

After the "Thanksgiving-Eve" service, chatting a bit with Frank. I said something cheeky, and it happened for the third time in a month. He hugged me and turned it into a headlock/noogy.

Why? I don't understand...
I'm not a boy, and I'm not their sister: maybe "In Christ", but that is AS far as it goes.


Oh the head shaking, mysteries of life.


danielle marie. said...

hahaha I'm sorry, I find this very amusing. And I can picture every one of these incidents..

Ok now, what if ok gave you a noogie? No your not my sister, but I'm a girl. :] maybe it's just a boy thing..

Carrie Allen said...

dude, that's funny :)

Bethany Pee said...

hahah aw i miss those guys