Monday, September 22, 2008

Death by Computer Science

Last month, while choosing my classes and gearing up for the beginning of school my sister suggested that because I need a science, I should do an easy course. Such as: COMPUTER SCIENCE. "I like computers" I thought-- and my dear sister said her class was a piece of cake. Taking her words of wisdom, I decided to enroll. The first couple of weeks I LOVED it...then, as of late, things have taken a turn for the worse.

I signed up for the free software (upon my thick-accented teacher's request) so I can finish our in-class projects at home. Unfortunately once it finished downloading, I thought that I had wasted all that time downloading the wrong software...then I realized I just needed to burn the software onto a disc. Okay, I could do that. Then I realize I don't have any blank CD's. Shoot. So I go to class with out my project and realize that we have a quiz...which consists of basically a sheet of paper and we have to build a program to produce the content as its output. Great. I finally finish it, and give it to my prof...then he writes -4 on it. I ask him why he did that and he is like "You asked me 2 questions". Apparently questions asked on quizzes are worth two points each, which are taken off your over-all grade.He never stated this. Nice.

Then I miss my Thursday class due to traffic + NO PARKING. Now today I try to burn the program on the blank CD I stole from the church (Thanks Carrie;) and it does not have enough memory to retain all the information. GREAT. So I was resolved to just print the three problems I had already completed and call it a night, then I go to get it out of my email... and the email containing the project has magically disappeared.

Great, awesome.
Crista...thanks for the great advice.
Remind me to thank you for it when I see you!



Carrie Allen said...

Awww. I pray for you :(

I hate when things like this happen...

And your teacher should NOT take 2 points for each question. That is so weird. I love Biola; they would never do such a thing.

Frank Morgan said...

just a freakin bad deal. goshhh haa

Cece said...


hit after hit after hit.
bad days bite dust.