Sunday, April 6, 2008


Once again, I should be writing my English paper--and yet I am inspired to write about nothingness.

All inhibitions aside, today was a truly magnificent day. Not because of anything that happened or the way my life is going currently, it was just beautiful. If you didn't look out the window or spend time out of doors: you missed out. The day was flawless outside. My life has been so confusing lately, like I said in my earlier post. I feel like all that is in me is wanting to escape; from work, school and people. Completely discontent with the way things are going, I have something similar to a 7-year itch (slightly premature). Yet today after a short nap and a good cup of coffee(compliments of my brother), I decided to go outside and take advantage of what was left of the beauty of the day. I was surprised to find that it was almost fully intact, the way the sky was turning made the leaves and the air look and feel clean/fresh. It was kind of windy, which made riding my bike all the more enjoyable. I went with my Dad (Turry--to all my friends), who I have lately been quite on edge with. I guess with all my mishaps(s), as of late, things have been a bit tense between us. However today was great, we had a long overdue conversation ranging from car buying to bible college(It was a long ride). After telling him how much I feel like my life is monotonous and how jealous I am of friends who have "gotten away" from it all, he reminded me of the beauty that is all around me. It was hard to argue when the day had been truly lovely, and we were out in the perfection of God's creation. I am blessed to be where I am, and I love the fact that I take after my dad. Since I can remember, he has never failed to point out the snow on the mountains or the way the sun was setting, and say "Thank you Lord, for the beautiful day". I feel like I have always felt closest to God when I am surrounded by the wonder of his creation. A long time ago, I heard in a message something that really struck me as profound. The guy teaching brought out that God didn't have to make things beautiful, or pleasant to us. Food didn't have to taste good, his creation didn't have to be lovely...but he did. Personally, I think God made things beautiful to remind us of what we will have one day in Heaven.

Thank you Lord for the beauty you so graciously placed in your handiwork.

Psalm 19:1-3
" The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.

There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard. [a]"

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