Sunday, April 6, 2008


One more thing,

I have been shown quite a lot of this lately by those who, in my opinion, owe me the very least. The 500 dollars I owed, to pay for the dent in my neighbors car, should have actually been 709 dollars. My neighbor told my Dad that I was a "good kid", and because it was an accident he wanted to pay anything over and above my insurance deductible. Which means, he payed over two hundred dollars that he didn't have to pay, to repair the damage caused by my carelessness. Then my parents wrote him the check for the 500 dollars and told me I could make payments. I thought this was really swell, considering I was quite short of that amount in my bank account(I am not a saver). Then this morning my Mom came in my room and wanted to talk, with the way things have been going lately, this sounded ominous. However, she just wanted to tell me that her and my Dad wanted to show me grace. They wanted to pay for half of my debt, and told me I could pay off the rest in smaller increments.

Thank you Lord for those who show me grace that I do not deserve.

1 comment:

Frank And Lela said...

You Wrote "SWELL!!"

I've been trying to bring that word back for years!
