Saturday, May 24, 2008


This fall, it will be one year since I started working at Nordstrom. In one big leap of faith, I applied online and got a call back. Thanks Dona.

I said goodbye to: Mandeep (World's nicest boss), Free burritos and chai on Saturday mornings, Borrowing magazines from the Deli, Being asked to "make it thin" or substitute banana for pineapple, Working with one of my best friends, and wearing bright colored shirts paired with a (usually stained) pair of khakis--never out of style.

How I miss thee, sweet, sweet smoothie king.

Then I woke up to a reality that didn't involve sitting in the back on B's computer or doing homework, waiting for a customer to walk through the door.
It involved business casual apparel, putting on a smile no matter what, 8 HOUR SHIFTS, rude fellow employees: trying to steal my customers, being pressured into opening new accounts, making 50 phone calls to my "valued" customers while still trying to sell dresses to those who happen to stumble onto my floor, putting away more articles of clothing than I can imagine, trying to remember how to deal with shady customers who are trying to steal or return 500 dollar dresses that they stole from another Nordstrom,getting the run-around when trying to return things(simply, because I work there) and quite a few other things that make life at Nordstrom quite difficult.

*Another fun fact: every single employee that works on the second level of Nordstrom is a female. And if you have any experience with females who are all competing to increase their own sales, open new accounts, and form personal relationships with customers, you know that things can get quite ugly.

I have also really enjoyed getting to know the many ladies who have come and gone in the departments that surround my own. I really love the girls in active and narrative, we don't get mad at each other, and we don't steal sales. In fact, the other day a lady who was, of course, trying to return a 350 dollar dress that she stole(she's in the system for shop lifting) from another store, commented about how nice we all were to each other. Quite a rarity among competing females. Also, I have the best manager I could ever ask for: who certainly doesn't get enough respect or kudos for all she does. When she gets a bonus for making our department goal for the month(most managers keep it), she had bought us all dresses or on another occasion: given us all gift cards. Not to mention, she works her butt off to make sure that all of her girls get to work the days we want and have off the days we have school or activities. She is so amazing, I can talk to her about anything and she's always giving me sales that should have been hers. I love her. She makes working there worth it. Another thing that makes my job gratifying, is seeing a lady who has already decided that; her knees are too wrinkly, her thighs are huge and her arms are too flabby for a dress, walk away with a huge smile and a lovely dress that gives a boost of confidence and makes her feel great.It always makes me happy, oddly enough.

Dear Nordstrom-
I'm still undecided on how I feel about you.


Bethany Pee said...

i love momma s!!!!!

Carrie Allen said...

this post is cute. :)